
  • What is Homeopathy

    Homeopathy is an effective, scientifically well-founded form of treatment. It is based in the ancient Greek and Arabic medical systems and was established more than 200 years ago by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann.

    By using homeopathic remedies, the person is stimulated to regain their balance and therefore wellbeing. Homeopathic medicine treats the whole person rather than the disease in isolation.

    Together with Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Osteopathy, it is one of the four most widely sought-after forms of alternative treatment in the UK, and is even supported by the Royal Family!

    Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars. This states that any substance which can cause symptoms in a healthy human being, whether emotional or physical, can restore to health an individual showing similar symptoms, when they appear as symptoms of disease.

    Homeopathy is safe! Therefore it is highly recommended for pregnant women and babies.

    Homeopathy is not addictive.

    Homeopathy integrates with conventional medicine and does not interfere with any medication you might be taking.

  • How can Homeopathy help

    There is a growing body of clinical evidence showing positive results of homeopathic treatment.

    People come to the Kew Homoeopathic Clinic frequently for problems in the following areas:

    • Anxiety, stress, nervousness

    • Asthma

    • Eczema

    • Influenza, – flu

    • Womens’ problems, e.g. period problems, infertility

    • Headaches & migraines

    • Insomnia

    • Fatigue

    • Skin conditions, e.g. eczema, psoriasis

    • Allergies, e.g. hay-fever

    • Colds & coughs

    • Ear infections, otitis media, glue ear

    We always recommend that you maintain contact with your GP and/or specialist consultant.

  • Kew waterlily


    These testimonials represent only the personal experiences and views of people who have come to the ‘Kew Homeopathic Clinic’ for homeopathic treatment and do not represent scientific evidence.

    ‘Dear Brigitte, I am thrilled! And all of that within less than a week after so many years of suffering. Many, many thanks; I am completely fascinated by your abilities.’ Claudia S.

    ‘I went to Brigitte for help in bolstering my immune system to keep me healthy through the winter months. The consultation was very calm and relaxed, with Brigitte listening carefully to my symptoms and clarifying their exact nature. The remedy Brigitte prescribed for me was excellent for my problem. I avoided most of the colds and coughs. I caught a mild cold just at the end of my busy season at a time when I was working all hours, including evenings and weekends, and that was the only cold since taking the remedy. I would highly recommend a consultation with Brigitte to others in similar situations.’ Miranda P.

    ‘I have contacted Brigitte six years ago when my son suffered from reoccurring tonsillitis. Ever since I am keeping close contact with Brigitte with now my second son and my husband being her patients as well. Brigitte's ability to analyze an acute illness or a patient's constitution is an incredible experience, taking into account every aspect of the patients life. Brigitte's homoeopathic treatments have had a very positive impact on the overall wellbeing of my family and there has not been a situation when her prescribed remedies did not have the effect we were hoping for.’ Ursula R